GINKGO COFFEE (8Sachets+8Honey spoons FREE)

GINKGO COFFEE (8Sachets+8Honey spoons FREE)

Regular price $25.00
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  1. Improving mental health and mental functions such as memory and social behavior, especially for Alzheimer’s patients, relieving symptoms of anxiety, stress and mood disorder problems
  2. Treatment of some eye diseases such as glaucoma, as it contains antioxidants and improves color vision in diabetics who suffer from retinopathy.
  3. Rich in antioxidant flavonoids, it stimulates the immune system and terpenoids that expand blood vessels and reduce platelet “stickiness”, which is useful in treating blood flow problems such as thrombophlebitis and sclerosing arterial diseases. And it stimulates the blood supply to the brain, enhances memory, and increases physical and mental activity
  4. Treatment of erectile dysfunction in men